Working Life and Job Security

Some people say that individuals should change jobs during their working life often while others believe that doing the same job has advantages to individuals, companies, and society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Many are of the opinion that it is preferable for individuals, corporations and society more generally for workers to remain in the same position long-term. Although such a contention has transparent benefits, I am largely in disagreement.

Those who argue against employment mobility point out how it can facilitate consistent progress for all parties involved. Firstly, companies are the most likely to profit since they will not have to hire and train new employees and will be able to cultivate a positive company ethos. As companies flourish, it necessarily follows that individuals will be able to gain promotions and raises. This will enable a higher standard of living. Finally, society itself will benefit as the private and public world can achieve a balanced system of mutual benefits. There is then less likelihood of unemployment and civil unrest.

However, I would argue the opportunities that individuals may miss by not changing jobs are more significant. A worker who is unhappy in their job has the power to improve the situation. For instance, if a person is under-utilized and underpaid in their current position, they could apply for a new job or move to a new sector. If the move is successful, they will not regret their decision and if not they can always apply for another job. In the aggregate, citizens finding more satisfying jobs and taking full advantage of their latent abilities will lead to a happier society. This will in turn grow the economy and corporations are likely to be more productive with an engaged workforce.

In conclusion, the tangible impact of remaining in a single job does not outweigh the potential gain for individuals, and society by extension, when seeking a varied career path. There are exceptions to this but most workers should be willing to switch jobs when possible.