Money for Computers or Teachers

Some believe that money for education should mainly be spent on better computers while others believe it would be better spent on teachers. Discuss both views and give your own

There is a belief held by some that education funding should primarily be directed towards purchasing computers rather than increasing the salaries of teaching staff. In my perspective, while technology certainly holds significance in today's world, teachers remain immensely valuable and deserving of prioritization.

Supporters argue that allocating more funds to computer technology aligns with the demands of modern society. Proficiency in computer skills has become essential not only for daily life but also for most careers. They contend that schools should shift their focus away from subjects that may not directly apply to a student's future, such as history, biology, physics, literature, art, and instead prioritize investments in new computers. However, this viewpoint overlooks the key finding in numerous studies that a broad knowledge base is more important than early specialization.

Furthermore, teachers can have a profound influence on their students. Many adults express gratitude towards at least one teacher who served as a lifelong role model. This is because students often form emotional and intellectual connections with their teachers. A teacher has the potential to introduce and elucidate a variety of great thinkers and writers, shaping a student's political or moral philosophy. By allocating greater funding to teachers and offering higher salaries, more qualified educators would be attracted to the profession. Moreover, passionate teachers who are currently underpaid would likely feel more motivated and appreciated with improved compensation.

In conclusion, those who advocate for prioritizing computers fail to recognize the greater overall impact that teachers have on education. While it may be challenging to precisely measure and study the value of quality teachers and provide definitive evidence to support this viewpoint, their influence cannot be underestimated. It is crucial to acknowledge and invest in the vital role that teachers play in shaping the minds and futures of students.