Taking Risks in Professional and Personal Lives - IELTS Cambridge 17

It is important for people to take risks, in both their professional lives and personal lives. Do the advantages of taking these risks outweigh the disadvantages?

Some argue that taking risks in both personal life and career can be beneficial overall, and I largely agree with this perspective due to the potential for advancement and personal growth.

Firstly, taking risks can accelerate career goals. Many individuals settle for a comfortable position early on and fail to explore their full potential. On the other hand, those who are willing to take risks, venture into new business endeavors, and explore different fields are more likely to achieve significant success in the long run. While there may be short-term setbacks, the ambitious individuals who take calculated risks early in their careers often reap substantial benefits over time.

Additionally, individuals who embrace risks tend to develop more mature personal relationships. In some conservative societies, young people may delay serious romantic involvement until after completing their education. However, this can result in immaturity and poor decision-making in terms of marriage and parenting. On the contrary, those who take risks and engage in various relationships during high school and university gain valuable experiences and learn to better judge character. Such alleged "risky" behavior can serve as a foundation for personal growth and increased maturity.

In conclusion, taking risks can act as a catalyst for tremendous growth and is generally advisable. It is important, however, to strike a balance and avoid excessive recklessness. By embracing calculated risks, individuals can unlock new opportunities and overcome challenges, leading to personal and professional advancement.