Governments and Private Companies

Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the governments rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

title: Governments and Private Companies description: Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the governments rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some feel that scientific research should be conducted by governments instead of private entities. I am largely in disagreement with this sentiment since the risks for public health entailed do not outweigh the competencies of corporations.

Those in favor of state control over research argue governments are not motivated to generate revenue. Companies are inherently concerned with amassing capital and maximizing returns for shareholders and equity partners. An illustrative example of the threat here would be the opioid crisis currently ravaging the United States. Purdue, a privately-owned pharmaceutical manufacturer, produced a pill with knowledge of its extremely addictive properties and intentionally misled the public. The results have been millions of deaths and rising addiction rates to opioids such as heroin. In contrast, the government is able to prioritize public health since they do not have to earn a profit.

However, the example above is an extreme exception as most companies are motivated to innovate and contribute to the public good. The examples of this behavior abound though they are less likely to receive excessive media attention. Such breakthroughs include medicines such as the vaccine for Covid-19 developed by Pfizer and the technologies that companies such as Apple, Google, and Samsung have pioneered in recent decades. These private companies are able to hire and pay the best employees and are often led by visionary leaders who are driven to excel and overcome competition from other firms. The corporate environment creates the catalyst for scientists and researchers to develop transformative devices and make discoveries that benefit the general citizenry.

In conclusion, although companies are likely to pursue profits at all costs, they are also more motivated to innovate. The role of government is therefore to contain the worst excesses of the corporate world.