Consumers and Advertising

These days consumers are faced with an increasing amount of advertising from various companies. To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertising?What measures should be taken to protect them?

Advertising has indeed become pervasive in the modern world, and in my opinion, there is a need for strict regulations to ensure it does not become overly invasive and manipulative.

Advertising influences consumers by capitalizing on vulnerabilities in human psychology. Advertisers have spent decades researching and refining their approaches, employing techniques such as creating a sense of urgency ("fear of missing out"), using social proofing, and raising brand awareness. Examples of these tactics can be seen in limited-time deals like "Black Friday" sales, which have proven to be highly effective. The continued use of these techniques by corporations and the immense wealth generated by the advertising industry demonstrate their effectiveness.

To safeguard society from the potential negative impacts of advertising, it is crucial for the state to enforce strict regulations. One area where regulation is particularly important is in relation to health. Companies that produce addictive products, such as sugary, fatty, and carbohydrate-rich junk foods, often target vulnerable segments of society, including children and individuals struggling with obesity. Governments can play a crucial role by implementing legislation that restricts targeting specific audience segments. This may involve prohibiting companies from accessing private user information and preventing them from directing their marketing efforts near schools and playgrounds.

In conclusion, while advertising is an effective practice, it needs to be subject to stringent regulation by the government. As marketing techniques become more sophisticated, the need for such regulations will only increase to ensure that advertising does not have negative consequences for society at large.