Food and Drinks - IELTS Cambridge 16

Many manufactured food and drink products contain high levels of sugar, which causes many health problems. Sugary products should be made more expensive to encourage people to consume less sugar.Do you agree or disagree?

Numerous individuals hold the viewpoint that food and beverages containing high levels of sugar ought to be marketed at elevated prices as a means to discourage the consumption of these unhealthy items. I vehemently disagree with this notion for two primary reasons: firstly, it is inequitable to burden consumers with higher costs for such products, and secondly, more effective alternatives exist to discourage the intake of these commodities.

My foremost objection to escalating the prices of these products revolves around the issue of fairness towards shoppers. When consumed in moderation, these goods do not pose a significant health risk, making it unjustifiable to impose an increased financial burden on all consumers. Furthermore, for individuals constrained by limited budgets, indulging in a sweet treat represents an affordable indulgence. However, escalating prices could render their preferred snack unattainable, thereby exacerbating disparities.

Moreover, alternative measures exist that have proven to be more effective in curtailing the consumption of sugary goods. An optimal strategy entails governmental engagement in public service advertising campaigns, which would educate the public about the importance of consuming such products in moderation. Similar approaches have successfully addressed other vices, such as alcohol and tobacco, thus rendering it reasonable to anticipate their efficacy with regards to sugary goods. Additionally, a ban on advertising these products would be another potent measure, as it would diminish the psychological inclination to consume such commodities.

To conclude, I staunchly oppose the notion of augmenting the price of confectionery items. This stance is founded on the principles of fairness towards consumers and the availability of superior methods to reduce the consumption of these sugar-laden goods.