Ultimate IELTS Band 7+ Structure for Discuss Both Sides Essay

The ultimate answer format that guarantees a 7+ Band in Discuss both Side Essay

When it comes to discussing both sides of an argument or topic, a Band 7 essay structure should include several key elements to present balanced viewpoints effectively. Here's a suggested structure:

  1. Introduction:
    • Begin with a concise and engaging opening statement that introduces the topic.
    • Provide a brief overview of the issue or question being discussed.
    • State your thesis or main argument, indicating that you will examine both sides of the topic.
  2. Body Paragraph 1:
    • Start with a topic sentence that presents the first perspective or side of the argument.
    • Provide supporting evidence, examples, or data to strengthen your point.
    • Analyze the implications or consequences of this perspective.
    • Acknowledge any counterarguments or opposing viewpoints.
  3. Body Paragraph 2:
    • Begin with a clear topic sentence that introduces the second perspective or side of the argument.
    • Present supporting evidence, examples, or data to support this perspective.
    • Analyze the implications or consequences of this viewpoint.
    • Address any counterarguments or opposing viewpoints.
  4. Conclusion:
    • Summarize the main points discussed in the essay without introducing new information.
    • Restate your thesis while emphasizing the importance of considering both sides of the argument.
    • Provide a concluding statement reflecting the broader implications or potential solutions to the issue.

Remember to maintain a balanced approach throughout the essay by presenting evidence and analysis for both sides of the argument. Be objective and logical, and avoid favoring one side over the other. Additionally, use transition words and phrases to ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs and to guide the reader through your discussion.

Fill In The Blanks Essay

Here's a Band 7+ essay structure with idioms and interlinking words for a Discuss Both Sides essay to memorize as a backup:

Introduction: In today's dynamic world, the topic of ___________ has sparked intense debate. While proponents champion ___________, critics argue that ___________. This essay will thoroughly examine both perspectives, delving into their intricacies in order to present a nuanced analysis.

Body Paragraph 1: Supporters of ___________ laud its myriad benefits. Firstly, ___________. This is exemplified by ___________. Moreover, ___________. For instance, ___________.

Body Paragraph 2: On the contrary, critics vehemently assert that ___________. They raise pertinent issues, including ___________. Furthermore, ___________. This is vividly illustrated by ___________.

Body Paragraph 3(if asked your opinion): In my view, striking a balanced approach is paramount. On one hand, ___________. This has the potential to yield transformative outcomes. Conversely, ___________. Nonetheless, achieving a harmonious equilibrium is vital. For instance, ___________. By doing so, we can leverage the benefits of ___________ while mitigating potential pitfalls.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the discourse surrounding ___________ encompasses multifaceted arguments. Advocates emphasize the positive impact of ___________. Conversely, critics raise valid concerns about ___________. Nonetheless, charting a path forward requires a discerning approach that considers ___________. It is imperative to thoroughly evaluate the arguments and strive for a comprehensive resolution that encapsulates the essence of this complex debate.

Example Essay 1: Genetically Modified Organisms

Question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have had a positive impact on agriculture and food production"? Discuss both the benefits and drawbacks of GMOs.

In today's rapidly evolving world, the topic of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) has ignited a fiery debate. While staunch proponents champion the utilization of GMOs in agriculture, ardent critics assert that they harbor grave risks to human health and the environment. This essay will meticulously scrutinize both perspectives, delving into their intricacies to present a nuanced analysis.

Body Paragraph 1: Supporters of GMOs laud their myriad benefits. Firstly, GMO crops have the potential to bolster agricultural productivity and fortify global food security. Moreover, GMOs offer a golden opportunity to cultivate crops with enriched nutritional content, such as biofortified varieties that combat malnutrition. For instance, genetically modified golden rice, resplendent with elevated levels of Vitamin A, serves as a beacon of hope, tackling prevalent deficiencies in developing nations.

Body Paragraph 2: On the flip side, critics vehemently assert that GMOs wield formidable risks to human health and the environment. The cultivation of GMOs may engender unintended consequences, spawning the emergence of herbicide-resistant weeds and wreaking havoc on beneficial insects, including our precious pollinators, the bees. This is vividly illustrated by notorious instances where genetically modified crops have interbred with wild plants, sowing the seeds of apprehension about genetic contamination and the alarming loss of biodiversity.

Body Paragraph 3(if asked your opinion): In my considered view, striking a judicious balance is of paramount importance. On one hand, the judicious employment of GMOs holds the potential to reap transformative outcomes in tackling global food challenges. This harbors the promise of augmented crop yields, diminished reliance on pesticides, and ameliorated nutritional value. Conversely, we must address the legitimate concerns raised by critics, effectively mitigating potential risks. Stringent regulations, bolstered by meticulous safety assessments, must underpin the responsible development and deployment of GMOs.


In conclusion, the discourse surrounding GMOs involves a range of arguments. Supporters passionately emphasize the benefits of genetically modified crops in addressing food security and nutrition. Critics, however, express valid concerns about potential health and environmental risks. Finding the right path forward requires careful consideration of scientific evidence, ethics, and specific contexts. We must evaluate the arguments diligently and work towards a comprehensive resolution that balances the essence of this complex debate while safeguarding human well-being and the environment.

Example Essay 2: Climate Change

Question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "Human activities are the primary cause of climate change"? Discuss both sides of the argument. Climate change is a pressing global issue that demands our attention and action. The debate surrounding the primary causes of climate change has led to two distinct perspectives: those who attribute it primarily to human activities and those who argue for natural factors as the main drivers. This essay examines both sides of the argument, considering the evidence and implications associated with each perspective.

There is a compelling body of evidence supporting the notion that human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, are the primary contributors to climate change. Firstly, the rise in greenhouse gas emissions resulting from these activities has led to the intensification of the greenhouse effect. Consequently, this has been accompanied by a rise in global temperatures, melting ice caps, and changes in weather patterns. Furthermore, scientific studies have demonstrated a strong correlation between human activities and the observed changes in the climate system. Critics argue that natural factors, such as volcanic eruptions and solar radiation, play a significant role; however, the magnitude of human impact on the climate is substantial and cannot be ignored.

On the other hand, proponents of the natural factors theory argue that climate change is primarily driven by natural processes beyond human control. They highlight the historical fluctuations in Earth's climate and the occurrence of natural events, such as volcanic activity and variations in solar output. These factors have contributed to climate variability throughout history, including periods of global cooling and warming. While human activities may have some influence, they contend that natural forces are the dominant drivers of climate change. However, it is important to note that the current rate of change exceeds historical patterns, indicating that human activities are accelerating the process.

In conclusion, the debate over the primary causes of climate change revolves around two main perspectives: human activity and natural factors. The evidence supporting both sides is significant. Firstly, acknowledging the impact of human activities, such as greenhouse gas emissions, is crucial for implementing effective mitigation strategies. Simultaneously, recognizing the influence of natural factors allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the complexity of climate change. Ultimately, addressing climate change requires a combination of efforts considering both sides of the argument. Emphasizing the importance of sustainable practices, renewable energy, and global collaboration to mitigate its adverse effects is vital. By doing so, we can protect our planet for future generations.