University Education

Some people believe that everyone has a right to have access to university education and that governments should make it free for all students no matter what financial background they have. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people believe that higher education should be considered a basic right accessible to all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic background. They claim that this would ensure fairness and justice for all taxpayers who contribute to the public funds. However, I largely disagree with this perspective, as I believe there is more value in improving the relationships between social classes and fostering a sense of social cohesion.

Supporters of the policy emphasize the principle of equal treatment for all taxpayers. They argue that wealthy individuals, who contribute a significant amount to the federal budget through higher tax rates, should receive an equal allocation of government funds for university education. They contend that this would prevent discrimination and resentment based on income levels. Without financial aid, these individuals may feel that they are being unfairly treated based on their success and merit.

While I acknowledge the merits of this argument, I generally lean towards a system that considers financial differences for the sustainability of higher education and the stability of society. If the majority of funding is allocated to wealthier families, average-income families may struggle to afford higher education at all. This could have dire consequences for society. The general population might perceive upward social mobility as nearly impossible, leading to a sense of demotivation and resentment towards the government and higher social classes, potentially resulting in social unrest. Moreover, this could also create a gap in the quality and diversity of education, as wealthier students would have more access to prestigious institutions and fields of study.

In conclusion, despite the desire for fairness under the law, it is important to make certain distinctions for the overall betterment of society. Government policies should focus on promoting equality of opportunity rather than adopting a narrow understanding of equality. By providing financial aid to those who need it most, governments can ensure that higher education is accessible and beneficial for everyone.