Holiday - IELTS Cambridge 15

In the Future More People Will Choose to Go on Holiday in Their Own Country and Not Travel Abroad on Holiday. Do You Agree or Disagree?

A prevailing belief suggests that in the coming years, a growing number of individuals will opt for domestic vacations instead of traveling overseas. I wholeheartedly agree with this perspective, as domestic travel offers accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability.

The primary reason behind my agreement is the increasing accessibility and allure of domestic tourism. As countries enhance their infrastructure and expand their tourism industry, captivating destinations within the borders are being developed and promoted. For instance, the introduction of a high-speed railway in Laos has significantly reduced travel times from the capital to the popular tourist destination of Luang Prabang, making it more enticing for domestic travelers.

Furthermore, the lower cost associated with domestic travel reinforces my positive stance. When considering factors such as exchange rates and airfares, traveling within one's own country often proves to be a more economical choice than international travel. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, where economic recovery remains a priority for many nations, people are seeking ways to save money on vacations, making domestic holidays an attractive option.

Lastly, the growing trend of sustainable tourism is expected to further drive individuals towards domestic vacations. Opting for domestic travel results in a smaller carbon footprint compared to international trips, aligning with the principles of environmental conservation. As awareness of sustainability increases, more individuals are likely to choose domestic holidays as a means to minimize their impact on the environment.

In conclusion, it is evident to me that in the future, a larger proportion of the population will choose domestic vacations over international ones. The increasing accessibility and appeal of domestic destinations, the cost savings associated with traveling within one's own country, and the alignment with sustainable tourism all contribute to this shift. It is only natural for individuals to explore the beauty and attractions within their own borders, recognizing the value of domestic travel.