Smartphones - IELTS Cambridge 17

Some children spend hours every day on smartphones. Why is this the case? Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

These days, there has been a significant increase in the amount of time children spend using smartphones, and in my opinion, this is a natural consequence of the widespread availability of phones and is a largely negative phenomenon.

The primary factor driving this trend is the easy access to portable devices. Since the introduction of the original iPhone, numerous phone manufacturers have followed suit, and smartphones have become a common possession in most households. Many parents, who themselves are often overwhelmed and stressed, allow their children to use smartphones as a means of entertainment, such as listening to music, watching movies, and keeping themselves occupied. In some parts of the world, parents even purchase phones specifically for their children's use. The increasing amount of time children spend on smartphones can be attributed to the combination of easy access and their natural inclination to utilize them.

However, the consequences of excessive smartphone usage among children are predominantly negative. Firstly, smartphones have replaced healthier habits. Children who grew up before the prevalence of portable smartphones were more likely to engage in activities such as reading books, socializing with friends, and participating in outdoor activities, which are all beneficial for their physical, intellectual, and emotional development. Additionally, the use of smartphones itself can have adverse effects on cognitive development. Some researchers have linked the rise in dissociative anxiety disorders in the 21st century to the technological age in general, and smartphones in particular.

In conclusion, children spend hours each day on smartphones due to their availability, which has led to a decline in healthier lifestyles. While governments may not be able to directly restrict such usage, it is the responsibility of parents to effectively regulate their children's screen time. By setting limits and encouraging alternative activities, parents can help mitigate the negative impacts of excessive smartphone usage on their children's well-being.