Professionals - IELTS Cambridge 17

Some people believe that professionals, such as doctors and engineers, should be required to work in the country where they did their training. Others believe they should be free to work in another country if they wish. Discuss views and give your own opinion.

There is a debate among certain groups regarding whether skilled professionals should be obligated to work in the same location where they received their initial training or if they should have the right to work anywhere. In my opinion, as long as their qualifications are recognized and transferable, individuals should have the freedom to choose their country of occupation.

Opponents of unrestricted movement argue that professionals have a debt of gratitude to the place where they received their training. Professionals such as doctors, engineers, scientists, and teachers often benefit from governmental support and educational resources in their local areas. Therefore, it is argued that these individuals should remain in the same country and contribute their skills to the betterment of society. For example, a doctor who has benefited from quality education and government aid in the United States can be seen as having a responsibility to serve their fellow citizens and help train future doctors.

However, the fundamental right to choose where one works and lives should not be compromised. In reality, many professionals tend to stay in the same location where they received their training, making this issue less pressing in most nations. Therefore, individuals should not be restricted in their mobility and choice of living environment. When professionals move to another country, they will need to ensure that their qualifications and certifications are valid and familiarize themselves with the specific requirements of working in a different nation. These challenges can be overcome on an individual basis and should not be used as definitive arguments against freedom of movement. Furthermore, preventing individuals from working in other countries would limit the sharing of expertise and hinder cultural exchange across international borders.

In conclusion, while certain standards and qualifications must be met, all working professionals should have the freedom to work abroad. It is important to note that this policy is already largely in place for most occupations.